DFIR Cheatsheet

Wrap-up of a bunch of open source information about incident response and digital forensics.

📖 Overall methodology - Digital Forensics for IR

  1. RAM Memory acquisition (If the acquisition make sense)
    1. FTK Imager
    2. Wimpmem
    3. DumpIp
  2. Check if machine has full disk encryption, if so LIVE image it before turning it off.
    1. EDD
  3. Disk imaging

Due to wearing leveling when imaging SSD Drives always prefer to image the system LIVE. Nice intro paper on the subject can be found here (PT/BR) and here.

  1. FTK Imager
  2. gkape
  3. Arsenal Image Mounter
  4. dc3dd / dd

🔥 Quick Wins

Evidence of execution / opened files, check OS version for each indicator

:::info Most tools to analyze these artifacts used are from eric zimmerman github, thanks for the amazing tools and effort Eric! :::


Memory acquisition on virtualised platforms

🧱Mounting evidences

Mounting E01

ewfmount image.E01 /mnt/ewf_mount && mount -o ro,loop,show_sys_files,streams_interface=windows /mnt/ewf_mount/ewf1 /mnt/windows_mount

Umount the image:

umount /mnt/windows_mount && umount /mnt/ewf_moun

Mounting vmkd as read-only

$ mount /disk/disk.vmdk /path -o ro,loop

Mounting raw/dd

  1. List disk information
  2. Get start offset and multiply by sector size => 2048 * 512 = 1048576
$ sudo mount disk.raw /mnt/mountpoint -o ro,offset=1048576

Mounting vmdk

$ guestmount -a Joao\ Topete.vmdk -i --ro /mnt/leforense/joao-pc

Converting vmdk to raw

$ qemu-img convert -f vmdk Joao\ Topete.vmdk -O raw joao.raw

Retrieving $MFT from raw image

$ mmls image.raw
$ icat -o <offset, 2048> image-file.E01 0 > image.mft
# then generate timeline with analyzeMFT.py
$ analyzemft.py -f /path/to/mounted/windows/image/\$MFT -a -e -o analyzemft-results.csv
# Or generate with MFTEcmd
MFTECmd.exe -f "C\$MFT" --body "E:\timeline" --bodyf test.body --blf --bdl E:
mactime -z America/Sao_Paulo -y -d -b /test.body 2019-07-23..2019-08-07 > /test-filesystem-timeline.csv

Mounting volume shadow copy

Windows - mount the image image file using Arsenal Image Mounter

vssadmin list shadows /for=D:
# Then we just need to create a symbolic link and access it
mklink link created for C:\path\to\link <<===>> \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy{1|2|3|4}
# From raw image
vshadowmount /mnt/ewf_mount/ewf1 /mnt/vss & cd /mnt/vss && for i in vss* ; do mountwin $i /mnt/shadow_mount/$i ; done
# From mounted image
vshadowinfo /mnt/ewf_mount/ewf1

💾Registry Analysis


Full analysis

$ rip.pl </path/to/registry/hive/NTUUSER.DAT> -f ntuser > user.txt
$ rip.pl </path/to/registry/hive/SYSTEM> -f system > system.txt
$ rip.pl </path/to/registry/hive/SOFTWARE> -f software > software.txt
$ rip.pl </path/to/registry/hive/SECURITY> -f security > security.txt

Recent docs opened from user


$ rip.pl -r c:\Users\<username>\NTUSER.DAT -p recentdocs > rip-recent-docs-resultst.txt

Recent searches have been done from the Start menu

$ rip.pl -r c:\Users\<username>\NTUSER.DAT -p wordwheelquery > rip-recent-start-searches-resultst.txt

Searching for specific strings

RECmd.exe -f .\NTUSER.dat --sk Skype
RECmd.exe -f .\UsrClass.dat --sd Skype

Check for bad stuff in keys of auto start applications

📖Memory analysis methodology

Identify rogue processes


Identification of profile

  volatility -f /path/to/memory/dump.001 imageinfo

Network connections

  volatility -f /path/to/memory/dump.001 --profile=<profile> netscan > netscan-results.txt
  volatility -f /path/to/memory/dump.001 --profile=<profile> connections > connections-results.txt
  volatility -f /path/to/memory/dump.001 --profile=<profile> connscan > connscan-results.txt
  volatility -f /path/to/memory/dump.001 --profile=<profile> sockets > sockets-results.txt
  volatility -f /path/to/memory/dump.001 --profile=<profile> sockscan > sockscan-results.txt

Extract cached files from memory

  volatility -f /path/to/memory/dump.001 --profile=<profile> filescan > filescan-results.txt
  # Look through the list of cached files for anything interesting, then run the following to extract it:
  volatility -f /path/to/memory/dump.001 --profile=<profile> dumpfiles -n -r <filename> --dump-dir=./

Rogue processes

  # Processes running
  volatility -f /path/to/memory/dump.001 --profile=<profile> psscan
  volatility -f /path/to/memory/dump.001 --profile=<profile> pstree
  volatility -f /path/to/memory/dump.001 --profile=<profile> pstotal --cmd --output=dot --output-file=/path/pstotal-graph.dot && xdot pstotal.dot
  volatility -f /path/to/memory/dump.001 --profile=<profile> malprocfind > malprocfind-results.txt && grep False malprocfind-results.txt

Loaded DLLs of processes

  volatility -f /path/to/memory/dump.001 --profile=<profile> dlllist -p <pidofprocess> > dlllist-results.txt

Processes handles

  volatility -f /path/to/memory/dump.001 --profile=<profile> handles -p <pidofprocess> > handles-results.txt
  # Shows all the resources the process interacted with.
  volatility -f /path/to/memory/dump.001 --profile=<profile> handles -p <pidofprocess> -t Key > handles-key-results.txt
  # Shows all the registry keys the process interacted with.
  volatility -f /path/to/memory/dump.001 --profile=<profile> handles -p <pidofprocess> -t File > handles-file-results.txt

Who started each process?

  volatility -f /path/to/memory/dump.001 --profile=<profile> getsids -p <pidofprocess> > getsids-results.txt

### Hibernation file to memdump

A hibernation file is stored in C:\hiberfile.sys if you have hibernation enabled. It contains parts of the memory at the time of hibernation, depending on the version of Windows. Run this to covert it to a raw image for further processing with Volatility.

  volatility -f /path/to/hiberfile.sys --profile=<profile> imagecopy -O /path/to/output/folder/hibermemory.ra

## Super timeline

Timeline of events + MFT entries

  # First generate the plaso dump
  log2timeline.py plaso.dump /path/to/drive/image.E01
  psort.py -z "America/Sao_Paulo" -o L2tcsv /path/to/plaso.dump -w plaso.csv "date > 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' AND date < 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' "
  # Using docker
  sudo docker pull log2timeline/plaso
  sudo docker run -v $(pwd):/data log2timeline/plaso log2timeline /data/plaso.dump /data/image.E01 # Supposing that the E01 file is in your current directory
  sudo docker run -v $(pwd):/data log2timeline/plaso psort -z "America/Sao_Paulo" -o L2tcsv /data/evidence.plaso "date > 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss' AND date < 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'" -w /data/evidence.csv

You can filter out some temporary internet files, as these tend to add a lot of noise. The suggested ones to exclude are:

  - Temporary\ Internet \Files
  - PrivacIE
  - Content.IE5
  - IETldCache
  - ACPI
  - MSIE\ Cache\ File
  - \(\$FILE\_NAME \)

You can store these in a whitelist file and then do negative grep to filter them out.

  grep -a -v -i -f whitelist.txt /path/to/plaso.csv > supertimeline.csv

## Timeline with memory dump + disk

  $ fls -m -p -r /path/to/image.E01 -i ewf > drive-image-timeline-bodyfile
  $ volatility -f /path/to/image.001 --profile=<profile> timeliner --output=body --output-file=drive-image-timeline-timeliner.body
  $ cat drive-image-timeline-timeliner.body >> drive-image-timeline-bodyfile
  $ mactime -z America/Sao_Paulo -y -d -b drive-image-timeline-bodyfile <start time..end time in format yyy-mm-dd..yyyy-mm-dd> > drive-image-memory-timeline.csv
  # This will give you a timeline with all the events in the given period.

## Windows event log


≥ Windows 7/2012 ⇒ C:\Windows\System32\winevt\*.evtx C:\Windows\System32\config\*.evt


Event IDs

Remote Desktop - RDP - Source Security


Map Network Share (net.exe)






Timeline of event files

  # Single file
  EvtxECmd.exe -f C:\Path\to\Security.evtx --csv C:\Path\to\directory\of\logs
  # Directory containing events
  EvtxECmd.exe -d C:\Path\to\events --csv C:\Path\to\directory\of\logs

Always change the timezone when visualizing the data from EvtxECmd.exe, default is UTC-0. In excel, create a new column and use this formula: =A2 - (3/24) ⇒ Converting UTC-0 to UTC-3

## Plaso filters

Useful for collecting only useful information from an image

  $ cat filter.txt
  $ log2timeline --filter_file filter.txt --parsers triage image-plaso.dump </path/to/image.E01>

Browser history

Edge and Internet explorer:



PCAP Analysis

NetworkMiner for statistics of DNS queries, long connections, amount of traffic of each IP. TODO

Malware analysis

OSINT lookup


https://totalhash.cymru.com https://metadefender.opswat.com/#!/ https://avcaesar.malware.lu/ https://malwr.com/ https://hybrid-analysis.com

Signature check

Beware! It sends the file to VT! Tool: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/sigcheck

sigcheck -c -e -u -h -v -vt filename.exe > sigcheck-results.csv
sigcheck -c -e -u -h -v -vt \path\to\folders\like\system32 > sigcheck-results.csv

Open the CSV in Excel and order by the VT detection column to see which files had VirusTotal trigger.

Data carving

Some tools

LCP - Check if account has password, found here




Volatility cheatsheet

📖 Incident Response Methodology


Live response

Checking for security updates with MBSA scan

wmic qfe where hotfixid="KB958644" list full
# Remotely querying for hotfixes
wmic qfe where hotfixid="KB958644" list full /node: /user:admin /password:p@ssw0rd


Default Location Windows 2003/2008/2012 => %windir%\System32\Dhcp

Enable DHCP logging

reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\DhcpServer\Parameters /v tivityLogFlag /t REG_DWORD /d 1


Enable DNS logging

DNSCmd <DNS SERVER NAME> /config /logLevel 0x8100F331

Setup path log


Set max size

DNSCmd <DNS SERVER NAME> /config /logfilemaxsize 0xffffffff

Powershell way (Requires RSAT)

Check if module is installed

Get-Module DNSServer ListAvailable

Check whats is enabled


Enable all diagnostic options except for LogFilePath

Set-DnsServerDiagnostics -All $True

Enable diagnostics for outgoing TCP responses for updates

Set-DnsServerDiagnostics -SendPackets $True -TcpPackets $True -Answers rue -Updates $True

Show usage

Get-Help Set-DnsServerDiagnostics

Show process running

# cmd
# Using WMI
wmic process list full

Accounts avaliable

net user
net localgroup administrators

Users logged on

psloggedon \\computername

Date of creation ⇒ new accounts

wmic useraccount get name,localaccount,installdate
# One approuch is check creation time of folder directory
dir /tc "C:\Documents and Settings\"
dir /tc "C:\Users\"
# /t = time
# /c = creation
# Other is looking at the events log file (Windows XP/2003)
cscript c:\windows\system32\eventquery.vbs /L security /FI "id eq 642"
# >= Windows 7
wevtutil qe security /f:text "/q:*[System[(EventID=4720)]]" | more

Show all ports allowed in the firewall

netsh firewall show portopening

Open sessions

net view \\
net session
netstat -nabo

Startup applications

wmic startup list full


Check for process running

ps -ef
ps aux
# Info about specific process, as ports and files associated
for i in $(pgrep processo-malicioso); do lsof -p $i; done

Searching for files

# Owned by root
find / -uid 0 -perm -4000 print
# By size - greater than 10 mb
find / -size +10M ls
# By time modification - between date A and B, ex: 10-10-2019 until 20-10-19
find / -newertime 'yyyy-mm-dd' ! -newertime 'yyyy-mm-dd'

Check for connections

netstat -tupan
# Listening ports
ss -lntp
# Live monitoring of ports
ss -ltnp | less -S
# Arp table
arp -a

Check for allowed firewall rules

iptables -t nat -nL
iptables -t mangle -nL
iptables -t filter -nL
iptables -t raw -nL

Scheduled jobs

# Current user
crontab -l
# User specific
sudo crontab -u id3s3c

Analysis of Competing Hypotheses (ACH)

Analysis to help validate a set of possible hypotheses for RCA (root cause analysis) after an incident.

  1. Create a list of hypotheses that are possible causes.
  2. Create a list of evidences gathered during the investigation.
  3. Create a matrix where the columns are the hypotheses and the rows are evidences.
  4. Evaluate line by line if the evidence is: C - consistent, I - inconsistent or A - ambiguous if the hypotheses is true or false.
  5. Delete/Hide evidence that is consistent with all hypotheses.
  6. Assess each evidences reliability (A-F) and credibility/truthness (1-6)
    • Who or what was the source of this evidence?
    • What access the source have?
    • What is the source reliability?
    • Is the information plausible?
  7. Rank the hypotheses in terms of least disconfirming evidence (rather than most supporting evidence )
    • Least evidence against is more likely to be correct.
      • Remote
      • Very unlikely
      • Unlikely
      • Even chance
      • Probably/likely
      • Very likely
      • Almost certainly
Reliability Meaning
A Completely reliable
B Usually reliable
C Fairly reliable
D Not usually reliable
E Unreliable
F Reliability can’t be judge

Credibility Meaning
1 Confirmed by other sources
2 Probably true
3 Possibly true
4 Not usually reliable
5 Improbable
6 Truth can’t be judge

Wannacry Example - Who was responsible for the attack?

H1 - A sophisticated financially-motivated cybercriminal actor H2 - An unsophisticated financially-motivated cybercriminal actor H3 - A nation state or state-affiliated actor conducting a disruptive operation H4 - A nation state or state-affiliated actor aiming to discredit the National Security Agency (NSA)

Evidence H1 H2 H3
  C C I

References https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuU_GI5WMpY https://isc.sans.edu/forums/diary/Analysis+of+Competing+Hypotheses+WCry+and+Lazarus+ACH+part+2/22470/ https://www.reliaquest.com/blog/wannacry-an-analysis-of-competing-hypotheses-part-ii/

Useful information


SANS Posters - https://www.sans.org/security-resources/posters/dfir-find-evil/35/download - https://in-addr.nl/mirror/SANS-Digital-Forensics-and-Incident-Response-Poster-2012.pdf -